Saturday, June 21, 2008

one more state

My mom had an appointment in Washington so Ayda and I went along for the ride. That way, Ayda was able to mark Washington off her list of states she has visited.


Smolkaville said...

Woo hoo, another state off the checklist. Way to go Ayda! You're going to visit more places by age 3 than I have my entire life at the rate your going.

Carly said...

What about Texas? Don't you wanna come visit Texas? You have to get that one marked off eventurally, so you might as well come now! Please?

JGW said...

So I see that you were in the city of Federal Way. I've also visited that fine city because that's where Brooke's from!

Miss Deja said...

Ayda is one well-travelled little lady. I agree with your other friend, while you're in Texas come to Louisiana!!! :) It was worth a shot!