Ayda is now proudly, "one
WHOLE hand old." There are a lot of exciting things that come with turning five, here are a few: Starting kindergarten in the fall, two of her cousins can no longer point out that she is
still four (at least for a few more months), another birthday means another fabulous birthday date with
Gaco and her favorite, continuing to know more than her parents!
Ayda is
fantastic (I wish you could hear
Ayda say this...kind of a sing
songy way), she never stops talking, she loves and watches out for
Zander, she loves to cuddle, she loves loves loves to sing (she makes everything into a song and has a cute little singing voice). She also loves all things art, if it can be painted, taped, cut, crafted or have
googley eyes glued to it...she is your girl. I love her. Happy birthday

I just added the actual birthday pictures. I did this post on Saturday night, her birthday was Sunday. Here are pictures of her opening gifts at home and at my mom's with her cousins. Her
Gaco made her another fabulous cake can you say....
hellllllo kitty! Thanks everyone for the gifts and phone calls, she was in heaven.
I love her too! Happy Birthday Ayda!
Love my (not so little anymore) Ayda!! I CAN NOT wait to see her again. P.S. I'm still working on her gift (surprised? probably not). Give her a squeeze and a kiss from me!!
I can't believe you have a 5 year old, she is adorable!!!
She is a fabulous 5 year old!
Happy Birthday to Ayda!!!
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