Thursday, December 1, 2011

Service and kids

As I was planning Family Home Evening a few weeks ago I wanted to do a service centered lesson and activity. This was proving difficult, the kids are young and I couldn't come up with an idea they could help with.
I went on pinterest (love that site) and was looking at some other peoples FHE ideas and I came across this website. I fell in love with the idea of making "blessing bags" (a bag of hygiene and food items for those in need). I rarely have cash and often times see homeless people and would love to do something to help. Travis will give food if he has it but again in my car, the only food I have is a half baggie of goldfish or fruit snacks. When we told the kids what we were doing Ayda was so excited. We have had conversations about homeless people, she told me how sad it made her that they didn't have houses.

Travis and I went to the dollar store and bought the items we wanted to include (our list differed a little from the other families list). We included non-food items like a knit cap (it's getting cold) toothbrush and tooth paste, sanitizer, wet wipes, chapstick,band aids, Tylenol, cough drops and vitamin c drops, Kleenex and a comb. Some of the foot items we included were chicken salad kit, granola, gum, candy, pop tarts, cereal bars, apple sauce and cheese and crackers.

When we had FHE we put out all the items and the kids helped gather them together and stuff the gallon baggies full. When we were done Ayda talked about how good it made her feel to make these kits. We made 6 kits, 3 in my car and 3 in Travis' car. Everyday Ayda asks me if I gave any homeless people a kit, and finally I was able to say, "yes." The woman was very appreciative and it made me happy to know we were doing something to help, even if it was so little.

Here are some pictures of the kids getting things in order (sorry about the wet heads we just got done swimming).


SNSsoup said...

LOVE! I'm so stealing your idea and we're doing this for one of our FHE's this month (hope you don't mind!) It's so appropriate and perfect, especially for the season- when even something so simple such as a comb can mean an awful lot to someone in need! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Hope you don't mind- but I'm showing my sister this post. She has 9 kiddos. Between all those kids- they can make A LOT of these baggies to hand out. They'll LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!!!

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

Steph, it is so easy and it is perfect for this season. The original blogger suggests doing it as a group and have everyone be in charge of different items. I am glad you are sharing. I was hesitant to post because I didn't want to sound braggy but I wanted to share because I love the idea so much. I think it is also great because when you run out of kits, you can just make more, never ending service:)

Amy Jo said...

So cool! I am so glad you shared!

grammy said...

This is fantastic - what a great lesson to teach to the kids. Fun and service at the same time. Great idea.