Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

We survived Christmas. Like I mentioned in my last post, Ayda was asked to sing a solo in sacrament meeting and she did a really good job. I don't know how a five year old has so much confidence, but she marched (not literally) right up there and sang like an angel. I was very proud and a little jealous, why didn't I get her singing voice.

Christmas morning is still pretty mellow around here, no waking up at ridiculously early hours. With church not til one, is was a really nice morning. After church we went to my mom's for dinner. It is always so fun for the kids to have each other near by. They play and run and scream.

Ayda's been out of school for two weeks and she is really looking forward to getting back and I am looking forward to it too :). Here is to a new year, Ayda will start Ballet and continue doing music and swimming. Zander starts a little gymnastics out (and swimming with me). Hope everyone has a great New Year.


grammy said...

Happy New Year to you all!

Carly said...

Wow! That is so impressive that she wanted to sing in church. That's my dream for my boys! Glad to see you guys had a nice Christmas!